

Adjunctions regarding the category of (abelian) groups #

This file contains construction of basic adjunctions concerning the category of groups and the category of abelian groups.

Main definitions #

Main statements #

The free functor Type u ⥤ AddCommGroup sending a type X to the free abelian group with generators x : X.

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theorem AddCommGrp.free_map_coe {α β : Type u} {f : αβ} (x : FreeAbelianGroup α) :
( f) x = f <$> x

The free-forgetful adjunction for abelian groups.

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The free functor Type u ⥤ Group sending a type X to the free group with generators x : X.


The free-forgetful adjunction for groups.

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The abelianization functor GroupCommGroup sending a group G to its abelianization Gᵃᵇ.

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The abelianization-forgetful adjuction from Group to CommGroup.

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The functor taking a monoid to its subgroup of units.

theorem MonCat.units_obj (R : MonCat) :
MonCat.units.obj R = Grp.of (↑R)ˣ
theorem MonCat.units_map {X✝ Y✝ : MonCat} (f : X✝ Y✝) :

The forgetful-units adjunction between Grp and MonCat.

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The functor taking a monoid to its subgroup of units.

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theorem CommMonCat.units_map {X✝ Y✝ : CommMonCat} (f : X✝ Y✝) :

The forgetful-units adjunction between CommGrp and CommMonCat.

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