

The tautological presentation of a module #

Given an A-module M, we provide its tautological presentation:

inductive Module.Presentation.tautological.R (A : Type u) (M : Type v) :
Type (max u v)

The type which parametrizes the tautological relations in an A-module M.

The system of equations corresponding to the tautological presentation of an A-module.

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Solutions of tautologicalRelations A M in an A-module N identify to M →ₗ[A] N.

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The obvious solution of tautologicalRelations A M in the module M.


Any A-module admits a tautological presentation by generators and relations.

  • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
noncomputable def Module.Presentation.tautological (A : Type u) [Ring A] (M : Type v) [AddCommGroup M] [Module A M] :

The tautological presentation of any A-module M by generators and relations. There is a generator [m] for any element m : M, and there are two types of relations:

  • [m₁] + [m₂] - [m₁ + m₂] = 0
  • a • [m] - [a • m] = 0.
theorem Module.Presentation.tautological_var (A : Type u) [Ring A] (M : Type v) [AddCommGroup M] [Module A M] (a : M) :