

The alternating face map complex of a simplicial object in a preadditive category #

We construct the alternating face map complex, as a functor alternatingFaceMapComplex : SimplicialObject C ⥤ ChainComplex C ℕ for any preadditive category C. For any simplicial object X in C, this is the homological complex ... → X_2 → X_1 → X_0 where the differentials are alternating sums of faces.

The dual version alternatingCofaceMapComplex : CosimplicialObject C ⥤ CochainComplex C ℕ is also constructed.

We also construct the natural transformation inclusionOfMooreComplex : normalizedMooreComplex A ⟶ alternatingFaceMapComplex A when A is an abelian category.

References #

Construction of the alternating face map complex #

The differential on the alternating face map complex is the alternate sum of the face maps


Construction of the alternating face map complex functor #

The alternating face map complex, on morphisms

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The alternating face map complex, as a functor

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def AlgebraicTopology.AlternatingFaceMapComplex.ε {C : Type u_1} [CategoryTheory.Category.{u_2, u_1} C] [CategoryTheory.Preadditive C] [CategoryTheory.Limits.HasZeroObject C] :
CategoryTheory.SimplicialObject.Augmented.drop.comp (AlgebraicTopology.alternatingFaceMapComplex C) CategoryTheory.SimplicialObject.Augmented.point.comp (ChainComplex.single₀ C)

The natural transformation which gives the augmentation of the alternating face map complex attached to an augmented simplicial object.

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Construction of the natural inclusion of the normalized Moore complex #

The inclusion map of the Moore complex in the alternating face map complex

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The inclusion map of the Moore complex in the alternating face map complex, as a natural transformation


The differential on the alternating coface map complex is the alternate sum of the coface maps


The alternating face map complex, on morphisms

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The alternating coface map complex, as a functor

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