

Pro-Representability of fiber functors #

We show that any fiber functor is pro-representable, i.e. there exists a pro-object X : I ⥤ C such that F is naturally isomorphic to the colimit of X ⋙ coyoneda.

From this we deduce the canonical isomorphism of Aut F with the limit over the automorphism groups of all Galois objects.

Main definitions #

Main results #

Implementation details #

The pro-representability statement and the isomorphism of Aut F with the limit over the automorphism groups of all Galois objects naturally forces F to take values in FintypeCat.{u₂} where u₂ is the Hom-universe of C. Since this is used to show that Aut F acts transitively on F.obj X for connected X, we a priori only obtain this result for the mentioned specialized universe setup. To obtain the result for F taking values in an arbitrary FintypeCat.{w}, we postcompose with an equivalence FintypeCat.{w} ≌ FintypeCat.{u₂} and apply the specialized result.

In the following the section Specialized is reserved for the setup where F takes values in FintypeCat.{u₂} and the section General contains results holding for F taking values in an arbitrary FintypeCat.{w}.

References #

A pointed Galois object is a Galois object with a fixed point of its fiber.

Instances For

    The type of homomorphisms between two pointed Galois objects. This is a homomorphism of the underlying objects of C that maps the distinguished points to each other.

    • val : A.obj B.obj

      The underlying homomorphism of C.

    • comp : self.val =

      The distinguished point of A is mapped to the distinguished point of B.

    Instances For

      The canonical functor from pointed Galois objects to C.

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      Instances For

        F ⋙ FintypeCat.incl as a cocone over (can F).op ⋙ coyoneda. This is a colimit cocone (see PreGaloisCategory.isColimìt)

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        Instances For

          The diagram sending each pointed Galois object to its automorphism group as an object of C.

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          Instances For

            Isomorphism between Aut F and AutGalois F #

            In this section we establish the isomorphism between the automorphism group of F and the limit over the automorphism groups of all Galois objects.

            We first establish the isomorphism between End F and AutGalois F, from which we deduce that End F is a group, hence End F = Aut F. The isomorphism is built in multiple steps:

            The endomorphisms of F are isomorphic to the limit over the fibers of F on all Galois objects.

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            Instances For

              Functorial isomorphism Aut A ≅ F.obj A for Galois objects A.

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              Instances For

                The equivalence between endomorphisms of F and the limit over the automorphism groups of all Galois objects.

                • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                Instances For

                  The monoid isomorphism between endomorphisms of F and the (multiplicative opposite of the) limit of automorphism groups of all Galois objects.

                  Instances For

                    The automorphism group of F is multiplicatively isomorphic to (the multiplicative opposite of) the limit over the automorphism groups of the Galois objects.

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                    Instances For

                      The Aut F action on the fiber of a Galois object is transitive. See pretransitive_of_isConnected for the same result for connected objects.