The (pre)triangulated structure on the opposite category #
In this file, we shall construct the (pre)triangulated structure
on the opposite category Cᵒᵖ
of a (pre)triangulated category C
The shift on Cᵒᵖ
is obtained by combining the constructions in the files
and CategoryTheory.Shift.Pullback
When the user opens CategoryTheory.Pretriangulated.Opposite
, the
category Cᵒᵖ
is equipped with the shift by ℤ
such that
shifting by n : ℤ
on Cᵒᵖ
corresponds to the shift by
on C
. This is actually a definitional equality, but the user
should not rely on this, and instead use the isomorphism
shiftFunctorOpIso C n m hnm : shiftFunctor Cᵒᵖ n ≅ (shiftFunctor C m).op
where hnm : n + m = 0
Some compatibilities between the shifts on C
and Cᵒᵖ
are also expressed through
the equivalence of categories opShiftFunctorEquivalence C n : Cᵒᵖ ≌ Cᵒᵖ
functor is shiftFunctor Cᵒᵖ n
and whose inverse functor is (shiftFunctor C n).op
If X ⟶ Y ⟶ Z ⟶ X⟦1⟧
is a distinguished triangle in C
, then the triangle
op Z ⟶ op Y ⟶ op X ⟶ (op Z)⟦1⟧
that is deduced without introducing signs
shall be a distinguished triangle in Cᵒᵖ
. This is equivalent to the definition
in [Verdiers's thesis, p. 96][verdier1996] which would require that the triangle
(op X)⟦-1⟧ ⟶ op Z ⟶ op Y ⟶ op X
(without signs) is antidistinguished.
References #
- [Jean-Louis Verdier, Des catégories dérivées des catégories abéliennes][verdier1996]
The category Cᵒᵖ
is equipped with the shift such that the shift by n
on Cᵒᵖ
corresponds to the shift by -n
on C
- CategoryTheory.Pretriangulated.Opposite.instHasShiftOppositeInt C = inferInstance
- ⋯ = ⋯
The shift functor on the opposite category identifies to the opposite functor of a shift functor on the original category.
The autoequivalence Cᵒᵖ ≌ Cᵒᵖ
whose functor is shiftFunctor Cᵒᵖ n
and whose inverse
functor is (shiftFunctor C n).op
. Do not unfold the definitions of the unit and counit
isomorphisms: the compatibilities they satisfy are stated as separate lemmas.
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The naturality of the unit and counit isomorphisms are restated in the following
lemmas so as to mitigate the need for erw
The functor which sends a triangle X ⟶ Y ⟶ Z ⟶ X⟦1⟧
in C
to the triangle
op Z ⟶ op Y ⟶ op X ⟶ (op Z)⟦1⟧
in Cᵒᵖ
(without introducing signs).
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The functor which sends a triangle X ⟶ Y ⟶ Z ⟶ X⟦1⟧
in Cᵒᵖ
to the triangle
Z.unop ⟶ Y.unop ⟶ X.unop ⟶ Z.unop⟦1⟧
in C
(without introducing signs).
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The unit isomorphism of the
equivalence triangleOpEquivalence C : (Triangle C)ᵒᵖ ≌ Triangle Cᵒᵖ
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The counit isomorphism of the
equivalence triangleOpEquivalence C : (Triangle C)ᵒᵖ ≌ Triangle Cᵒᵖ
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An anti-equivalence between the categories of triangles in C
and in Cᵒᵖ
A triangle in Cᵒᵖ
shall be distinguished iff it correspond to a distinguished
triangle in C
via this equivalence.
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A triangle in Cᵒᵖ
shall be distinguished iff it corresponds to a distinguished
triangle in C
via the equivalence triangleOpEquivalence C : (Triangle C)ᵒᵖ ≌ Triangle Cᵒᵖ
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Up to rotation, the contractible triangle X ⟶ X ⟶ 0 ⟶ X⟦1⟧
for X : Cᵒᵖ
to the contractible triangle for X.unop
in C
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Isomorphism expressing a compatibility of the equivalence triangleOpEquivalence C
with the rotation of triangles.
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The pretriangulated structure on the opposite category of
a pretriangulated category. It is a scoped instance, so that we need to
open CategoryTheory.Pretriangulated.Opposite
in order to be able
to use it: the reason is that it relies on the definition of the shift
on the opposite category Cᵒᵖ
, for which it is unclear whether it should
be a global instance or not.
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