

Symmetric powers #

This file defines symmetric powers of a type. The nth symmetric power consists of homogeneous n-tuples modulo permutations by the symmetric group.

The special case of 2-tuples is called the symmetric square, which is addressed in more detail in Data.Sym.Sym2.

TODO: This was created as supporting material for Sym2; it needs a fleshed-out interface.

Tags #

symmetric powers

def Sym (α : Type u_1) (n : ) :
Type u_1

The nth symmetric power is n-tuples up to permutation. We define it as a subtype of Multiset since these are well developed in the library. We also give a definition Sym.sym' in terms of vectors, and we show these are equivalent in Sym.symEquivSym'.

def Sym.toMultiset {α : Type u_1} {n : } (s : Sym α n) :

The canonical map to Multiset α that forgets that s has length n

  • s = s
instance Sym.hasCoe (α : Type u_1) (n : ) :
CoeOut (Sym α n) (Multiset α)
instance instDecidableEqSym {α : Type u_1} {n : } [DecidableEq α] :
@[reducible, inline]
abbrev Vector.Perm.isSetoid (α : Type u_1) (n : ) :

This is the List.Perm setoid lifted to Vector.

See note [reducible non-instances].

theorem Sym.coe_injective {α : Type u_1} {n : } :
Function.Injective Sym.toMultiset
theorem Sym.coe_inj {α : Type u_1} {n : } {s₁ s₂ : Sym α n} :
s₁ = s₂ s₁ = s₂
theorem Sym.ext {α : Type u_1} {n : } {s₁ s₂ : Sym α n} (h : s₁ = s₂) :
s₁ = s₂
theorem Sym.val_eq_coe {α : Type u_1} {n : } (s : Sym α n) :
s = s
@[reducible, match_pattern, inline]
abbrev {α : Type u_1} {n : } (m : Multiset α) (h : Multiset.card m = n) :
Sym α n

Construct an element of the nth symmetric power from a multiset of cardinality n.

def Sym.nil {α : Type u_1} :
Sym α 0

The unique element in Sym α 0.

  • Sym.nil = 0,
theorem Sym.coe_nil {α : Type u_1} :
Sym.nil = 0
def Sym.cons {α : Type u_1} {n : } (a : α) (s : Sym α n) :
Sym α n.succ

Inserts an element into the term of Sym α n, increasing the length by one.


Inserts an element into the term of Sym α n, increasing the length by one.

theorem Sym.cons_inj_right {α : Type u_1} {n : } (a : α) (s s' : Sym α n) :
a ::ₛ s = a ::ₛ s' s = s'
theorem Sym.cons_inj_left {α : Type u_1} {n : } (a a' : α) (s : Sym α n) :
a ::ₛ s = a' ::ₛ s a = a'
theorem Sym.cons_swap {α : Type u_1} {n : } (a b : α) (s : Sym α n) :
a ::ₛ b ::ₛ s = b ::ₛ a ::ₛ s
theorem Sym.coe_cons {α : Type u_1} {n : } (s : Sym α n) (a : α) :
(a ::ₛ s) = a ::ₘ s
def Sym.ofVector {α : Type u_1} {n : } :
Mathlib.Vector α nSym α n

This is the quotient map that takes a list of n elements as an n-tuple and produces an nth symmetric power.

instance Sym.instCoeVector {α : Type u_1} {n : } :
Coe (Mathlib.Vector α n) (Sym α n)

This is the quotient map that takes a list of n elements as an n-tuple and produces an nth symmetric power.

theorem Sym.ofVector_nil {α : Type u_1} :
Sym.ofVector Mathlib.Vector.nil = Sym.nil
theorem Sym.ofVector_cons {α : Type u_1} {n : } (a : α) (v : Mathlib.Vector α n) :
theorem Sym.card_coe {α : Type u_1} {n : } {s : Sym α n} :
Multiset.card s = n
instance Sym.instMembership {α : Type u_1} {n : } :
Membership α (Sym α n)

α ∈ s means that a appears as one of the factors in s.

  • Sym.instMembership = { mem := fun (s : Sym α n) (a : α) => a s }
instance Sym.decidableMem {α : Type u_1} {n : } [DecidableEq α] (a : α) (s : Sym α n) :
theorem Sym.coe_mk {α : Type u_1} {n : } (s : Multiset α) (h : Multiset.card s = n) :
( s h) = s
theorem Sym.mem_mk {α : Type u_1} {n : } (a : α) (s : Multiset α) (h : Multiset.card s = n) :
a s h a s
theorem Sym.forall {α : Type u_1} {n : } {p : Sym α nProp} :
(∀ (s : Sym α n), p s) ∀ (s : Multiset α) (hs : Multiset.card s = n), p ( s hs)
theorem Sym.exists {α : Type u_1} {n : } {p : Sym α nProp} :
(∃ (s : Sym α n), p s) ∃ (s : Multiset α) (hs : Multiset.card s = n), p ( s hs)
theorem Sym.not_mem_nil {α : Type u_1} (a : α) :
theorem Sym.mem_cons {α : Type u_1} {n : } {s : Sym α n} {a b : α} :
a b ::ₛ s a = b a s
theorem Sym.mem_coe {α : Type u_1} {n : } {s : Sym α n} {a : α} :
a s a s
theorem Sym.mem_cons_of_mem {α : Type u_1} {n : } {s : Sym α n} {a b : α} (h : a s) :
a b ::ₛ s
theorem Sym.mem_cons_self {α : Type u_1} {n : } (a : α) (s : Sym α n) :
a a ::ₛ s
theorem Sym.cons_of_coe_eq {α : Type u_1} {n : } (a : α) (v : Mathlib.Vector α n) :
theorem Sym.sound {α : Type u_1} {n : } {a b : Mathlib.Vector α n} (h : (↑a).Perm b) :
def Sym.erase {α : Type u_1} {n : } [DecidableEq α] (s : Sym α (n + 1)) (a : α) (h : a s) :
Sym α n

erase s a h is the sym that subtracts 1 from the multiplicity of a if a is present in the sym.

  • s.erase a h = (↑s).erase a,
theorem Sym.erase_mk {α : Type u_1} {n : } [DecidableEq α] (m : Multiset α) (hc : Multiset.card m = n + 1) (a : α) (h : a m) :
( m hc).erase a h = (m.erase a)
theorem Sym.coe_erase {α : Type u_1} {n : } [DecidableEq α] {s : Sym α n.succ} {a : α} (h : a s) :
(s.erase a h) = (↑s).erase a
theorem Sym.cons_erase {α : Type u_1} {n : } [DecidableEq α] {s : Sym α n.succ} {a : α} (h : a s) :
a ::ₛ s.erase a h = s
theorem Sym.erase_cons_head {α : Type u_1} {n : } [DecidableEq α] (s : Sym α n) (a : α) (h : a a ::ₛ s := ) :
(a ::ₛ s).erase a h = s
def Sym.Sym' (α : Type u_3) (n : ) :
Type u_3

Another definition of the nth symmetric power, using vectors modulo permutations. (See Sym.)

def Sym.cons' {α : Type u_3} {n : } :
αSym.Sym' α nSym.Sym' α n.succ

This is cons but for the alternative Sym' definition.


This is cons but for the alternative Sym' definition.

def Sym.symEquivSym' {α : Type u_3} {n : } :
Sym α n Sym.Sym' α n

Multisets of cardinality n are equivalent to length-n vectors up to permutations.

theorem Sym.cons_equiv_eq_equiv_cons (α : Type u_3) (n : ) (a : α) (s : Sym α n) :
Sym.cons' a (Sym.symEquivSym' s) = Sym.symEquivSym' (a ::ₛ s)
instance Sym.instZeroSym {α : Type u_1} :
Zero (Sym α 0)
  • Sym.instZeroSym = { zero := 0, }
theorem Sym.toMultiset_zero {α : Type u_1} :
0 = 0
  • Sym.instEmptyCollectionOfNatNat = { emptyCollection := 0 }
theorem Sym.eq_nil_of_card_zero {α : Type u_1} (s : Sym α 0) :
s = Sym.nil
instance Sym.uniqueZero {α : Type u_1} :
Unique (Sym α 0)
  • Sym.uniqueZero = { default := Sym.nil, uniq := }
def Sym.replicate {α : Type u_1} (n : ) (a : α) :
Sym α n

replicate n a is the sym containing only a with multiplicity n.

theorem Sym.replicate_succ {α : Type u_1} {a : α} {n : } :
theorem Sym.coe_replicate {α : Type u_1} {n : } {a : α} :
theorem Sym.mem_replicate {α : Type u_1} {n : } {a b : α} :
b Sym.replicate n a n 0 b = a
theorem Sym.eq_replicate_iff {α : Type u_1} {n : } {s : Sym α n} {a : α} :
s = Sym.replicate n a bs, b = a
theorem Sym.exists_mem {α : Type u_1} {n : } (s : Sym α n.succ) :
∃ (a : α), a s
theorem Sym.exists_cons_of_mem {α : Type u_1} {n : } {s : Sym α (n + 1)} {a : α} (h : a s) :
∃ (t : Sym α n), s = a ::ₛ t
theorem Sym.exists_eq_cons_of_succ {α : Type u_1} {n : } (s : Sym α n.succ) :
∃ (a : α) (s' : Sym α n), s = a ::ₛ s'
theorem Sym.eq_replicate {α : Type u_1} {a : α} {n : } {s : Sym α n} :
s = Sym.replicate n a bs, b = a
theorem Sym.eq_replicate_of_subsingleton {α : Type u_1} [Subsingleton α] (a : α) {n : } (s : Sym α n) :
instance Sym.instSubsingleton {α : Type u_1} [Subsingleton α] (n : ) :
  • =
instance Sym.inhabitedSym {α : Type u_1} [Inhabited α] (n : ) :
Inhabited (Sym α n)
instance Sym.inhabitedSym' {α : Type u_1} [Inhabited α] (n : ) :
instance Sym.instIsEmptySucc {α : Type u_1} (n : ) [IsEmpty α] :
IsEmpty (Sym α n.succ)
  • =
instance Sym.instUnique {α : Type u_1} (n : ) [Unique α] :
Unique (Sym α n)
theorem Sym.replicate_right_inj {α : Type u_1} {a b : α} {n : } (h : n 0) :
instance Sym.instNontrivialHAddNatOfNat {α : Type u_1} (n : ) [Nontrivial α] :
Nontrivial (Sym α (n + 1))
  • =
def {α : Type u_1} {β : Type u_2} {n : } (f : αβ) (x : Sym α n) :
Sym β n

A function α → β induces a function Sym α n → Sym β n by applying it to every element of the underlying n-tuple.

theorem Sym.mem_map {α : Type u_1} {β : Type u_2} {n : } {f : αβ} {b : β} {l : Sym α n} :
b f l al, f a = b
theorem Sym.map_id' {α : Type u_3} {n : } (s : Sym α n) : (fun (x : α) => x) s = s

Note: Sym.map_id is not simp-normal, as simp ends up unfolding id with Sym.map_congr

theorem Sym.map_id {α : Type u_3} {n : } (s : Sym α n) : id s = s
theorem Sym.map_map {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {γ : Type u_5} {n : } (g : βγ) (f : αβ) (s : Sym α n) : g ( f s) = (g f) s
theorem Sym.map_zero {α : Type u_1} {β : Type u_2} (f : αβ) : f 0 = 0
theorem Sym.map_cons {α : Type u_1} {β : Type u_2} {n : } (f : αβ) (a : α) (s : Sym α n) : f (a ::ₛ s) = f a ::ₛ f s
theorem Sym.map_congr {α : Type u_1} {β : Type u_2} {n : } {f g : αβ} {s : Sym α n} (h : xs, f x = g x) : f s = g s
theorem Sym.map_mk {α : Type u_1} {β : Type u_2} {n : } {f : αβ} {m : Multiset α} {hc : Multiset.card m = n} : f ( m hc) = ( f m)
theorem Sym.coe_map {α : Type u_1} {β : Type u_2} {n : } (s : Sym α n) (f : αβ) :
( f s) = f s
theorem Sym.map_injective {α : Type u_1} {β : Type u_2} {f : αβ} (hf : Function.Injective f) (n : ) :
def Sym.equivCongr {α : Type u_1} {β : Type u_2} {n : } (e : α β) :
Sym α n Sym β n

Mapping an equivalence α ≃ β using gives an equivalence between Sym α n and Sym β n.

theorem Sym.equivCongr_apply {α : Type u_1} {β : Type u_2} {n : } (e : α β) (x : Sym α n) :
(Sym.equivCongr e) x = (⇑e) x
theorem Sym.equivCongr_symm_apply {α : Type u_1} {β : Type u_2} {n : } (e : α β) (x : Sym β n) :
(Sym.equivCongr e).symm x = (⇑e.symm) x
def Sym.attach {α : Type u_1} {n : } (s : Sym α n) :
Sym { x : α // x s } n

"Attach" a proof that a ∈ s to each element a in s to produce an element of the symmetric power on {x // x ∈ s}.

  • s.attach = (↑s).attach,
theorem Sym.attach_mk {α : Type u_1} {n : } {m : Multiset α} {hc : Multiset.card m = n} :
( m hc).attach = m.attach
theorem Sym.coe_attach {α : Type u_1} {n : } (s : Sym α n) :
s.attach = (↑s).attach
theorem Sym.attach_map_coe {α : Type u_1} {n : } (s : Sym α n) : Subtype.val s.attach = s
theorem Sym.mem_attach {α : Type u_1} {n : } (s : Sym α n) (x : { x : α // x s }) :
x s.attach
theorem Sym.attach_nil {α : Type u_1} :
Sym.nil.attach = Sym.nil
theorem Sym.attach_cons {α : Type u_1} {n : } (x : α) (s : Sym α n) :
(x ::ₛ s).attach = x, ::ₛ (fun (x_1 : { x : α // x s }) => x_1, ) s.attach
def Sym.cast {α : Type u_1} {n m : } (h : n = m) :
Sym α n Sym α m

Change the length of a Sym using an equality. The simp-normal form is for the cast to be pushed outward.

  • Sym.cast h = { toFun := fun (s : Sym α n) => s, , invFun := fun (s : Sym α m) => s, , left_inv := , right_inv := }
theorem Sym.cast_rfl {α : Type u_1} {n : } {s : Sym α n} :
(Sym.cast ) s = s
theorem Sym.cast_cast {α : Type u_1} {n n' : } {s : Sym α n} {n'' : } (h : n = n') (h' : n' = n'') :
(Sym.cast h') ((Sym.cast h) s) = (Sym.cast ) s
theorem Sym.coe_cast {α : Type u_1} {n m : } {s : Sym α n} (h : n = m) :
((Sym.cast h) s) = s
theorem Sym.mem_cast {α : Type u_1} {n m : } {s : Sym α n} {a : α} (h : n = m) :
a (Sym.cast h) s a s
def Sym.append {α : Type u_1} {n n' : } (s : Sym α n) (s' : Sym α n') :
Sym α (n + n')

Append a pair of Sym terms.

  • s.append s' = s + s',
theorem Sym.append_inj_right {α : Type u_1} {n n' : } (s : Sym α n) {t t' : Sym α n'} :
s.append t = s.append t' t = t'
theorem Sym.append_inj_left {α : Type u_1} {n n' : } {s s' : Sym α n} (t : Sym α n') :
s.append t = s'.append t s = s'
theorem Sym.append_comm {α : Type u_1} {n' : } (s s' : Sym α n') :
s.append s' = (Sym.cast ) (s'.append s)
theorem Sym.coe_append {α : Type u_1} {n n' : } (s : Sym α n) (s' : Sym α n') :
(s.append s') = s + s'
theorem Sym.mem_append_iff {α : Type u_1} {n m : } {s : Sym α n} {a : α} {s' : Sym α m} :
a s.append s' a s a s'
def Sym.oneEquiv {α : Type u_1} :
α Sym α 1

a ↦ {a} as an equivalence between α and Sym α 1.

  • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
theorem Sym.oneEquiv_apply {α : Type u_1} (a : α) :
Sym.oneEquiv a = {a},
def Sym.fill {α : Type u_1} {n : } (a : α) (i : Fin (n + 1)) (m : Sym α (n - i)) :
Sym α n

Fill a term m : Sym α (n - i) with i copies of a to obtain a term of Sym α n. This is a convenience wrapper for m.append (replicate i a) that adjusts the term using Sym.cast.

theorem Sym.coe_fill {α : Type u_1} {n : } {a : α} {i : Fin (n + 1)} {m : Sym α (n - i)} :
(Sym.fill a i m) = m + (Sym.replicate (↑i) a)
theorem Sym.mem_fill_iff {α : Type u_1} {n : } {a b : α} {i : Fin (n + 1)} {s : Sym α (n - i)} :
a Sym.fill b i s i 0 a = b a s
def Sym.filterNe {α : Type u_1} {n : } [DecidableEq α] (a : α) (m : Sym α n) :
(i : Fin (n + 1)) × Sym α (n - i)

Remove every a from a given Sym α n. Yields the number of copies i and a term of Sym α (n - i).

theorem Sym.sigma_sub_ext {α : Type u_1} {n : } {m₁ m₂ : (i : Fin (n + 1)) × Sym α (n - i)} (h : m₁.snd = m₂.snd) :
m₁ = m₂
theorem Sym.fill_filterNe {α : Type u_1} {n : } [DecidableEq α] (a : α) (m : Sym α n) :
Sym.fill a (Sym.filterNe a m).fst (Sym.filterNe a m).snd = m
theorem Sym.filter_ne_fill {α : Type u_1} {n : } [DecidableEq α] (a : α) (m : (i : Fin (n + 1)) × Sym α (n - i)) (h : am.snd) :
Sym.filterNe a (Sym.fill a m.fst m.snd) = m
theorem Sym.count_coe_fill_self_of_not_mem {α : Type u_1} {n : } [DecidableEq α] {a : α} {i : Fin (n + 1)} {s : Sym α (n - i)} (hx : as) :
Multiset.count a (Sym.fill a i s) = i
theorem Sym.count_coe_fill_of_ne {α : Type u_1} {n : } [DecidableEq α] {a x : α} {i : Fin (n + 1)} {s : Sym α (n - i)} (hx : x a) :

Combinatorial equivalences #

def SymOptionSuccEquiv.encode {α : Type u_1} {n : } [DecidableEq α] (s : Sym (Option α) n.succ) :
Sym (Option α) n Sym α n.succ

Function from the symmetric product over Option splitting on whether or not it contains a none.

theorem SymOptionSuccEquiv.encode_of_none_mem {α : Type u_1} {n : } [DecidableEq α] (s : Sym (Option α) n.succ) (h : none s) :
theorem SymOptionSuccEquiv.encode_of_not_none_mem {α : Type u_1} {n : } [DecidableEq α] (s : Sym (Option α) n.succ) (h : nones) :
SymOptionSuccEquiv.encode s = Sum.inr ( (fun (o : { x : Option α // x s }) => (↑o).get ) s.attach)
def SymOptionSuccEquiv.decode {α : Type u_1} {n : } :
Sym (Option α) n Sym α n.succSym (Option α) n.succ

Inverse of Sym_option_succ_equiv.decode.

theorem SymOptionSuccEquiv.decode_inl {α : Type u_1} {n : } (s : Sym (Option α) n) :
theorem SymOptionSuccEquiv.decode_inr {α : Type u_1} {n : } (s : Sym α n.succ) :
SymOptionSuccEquiv.decode (Sum.inr s) = (⇑Function.Embedding.some) s
def symOptionSuccEquiv {α : Type u_1} {n : } [DecidableEq α] :
Sym (Option α) n.succ Sym (Option α) n Sym α n.succ

The symmetric product over Option is a disjoint union over simpler symmetric products.

  • symOptionSuccEquiv = { toFun := SymOptionSuccEquiv.encode, invFun := SymOptionSuccEquiv.decode, left_inv := , right_inv := }