Bases in a vector space #
This file provides results for bases of a vector space.
Some of these results should be merged with the results on free modules. We state these results in a separate file to the results on modules to avoid an import cycle.
Main statements #
states that every vector space has a basis.Module.Free.of_divisionRing
states that every vector space is a free module.
Tags #
basis, bases
If s
is a linear independent set of vectors, we can extend it to a basis.
- Basis.extend hs = ⋯ ⋯
Auxiliary definition: the index for the new basis vectors in Basis.sumExtend
The specific value of this definition should be considered an implementation detail.
- Basis.sumExtendIndex hs = ⋯.extend ⋯ \ Set.range v
If v
is a linear independent family of vectors, extend it to a basis indexed by a sum type.
- Basis.sumExtend hs = (Basis.extend ⋯).reindex (Trans.trans ((Equiv.ofInjective v ⋯).sumCongr (Equiv.refl ↑(⋯.extend ⋯ \ Set.range v))) (Equiv.Set.sumDiffSubset ⋯)).symm
If s
is a family of linearly independent vectors contained in a set t
spanning V
then one can get a basis of V
containing s
and contained in t
- Basis.extendLe hs hst ht = ⋯ ⋯
If a set s
spans the space, this is a basis contained in s
- Basis.ofSpan hs = Basis.extendLe ⋯ ⋯ hs
A set used to index Basis.ofVectorSpace
- Basis.ofVectorSpaceIndex K V = ⋯.extend ⋯
Each vector space has a basis.
- Basis.ofVectorSpace K V = Basis.extend ⋯
Stacks Tag 09FN (Generalized from fields to division rings.)
- ⋯ = ⋯
For a module over a division ring, the span of a nonzero element is an atom of the lattice of submodules.
The atoms of the lattice of submodules of a module over a division ring are the submodules equal to the span of a nonzero element of the module.
The lattice of submodules of a module over a division ring is atomistic.
- ⋯ = ⋯
- ⋯ = ⋯
Any linear map f : p →ₗ[K] V'
defined on a subspace p
can be extended to the whole
If p < ⊤
is a subspace of a vector space V
, then there exists a nonzero linear map
f : V →ₗ[K] K
such that p ≤ ker f