Adic completion as tensor product #
In this file we examine properties of the natural map
AdicCompletion I R ⊗[R] M →ₗ[AdicCompletion I R] AdicCompletion I M
We show (in the AdicCompletion
: it is an isomorphism ifM = R^n
: it is surjective, ifM
is a finiteR
: it is an isomorphism ifR
is Noetherian andM
is a finiteR
As a corollary we obtain
: the adic completion of a Noetherian ringR
- Show that
is an isomorphism for any finite freeR
-module over an arbitrary ring. This is mostly composing with the isomorphism toR^n
and checking that a diagram commutes.
The natural AdicCompletion I R
-linear map from AdicCompletion I R ⊗[R] M
the adic completion of M
is functorial in M
as an equiv in the case of M = R^ι
where ι
is finite.
If M = R^ι
, ofTensorProduct
is bijective.
If M
is a finite R
-module, then the canonical map
AdicCompletion I R ⊗[R] M →ₗ AdicCompletion I M
is surjective.
Noetherian case #
Suppose R
is Noetherian. Then we show that the canonical map
AdicCompletion I R ⊗[R] M →ₗ[AdicCompletion I R] AdicCompletion I M
is an isomorphism for every
finite R
-module M
The strategy is the following: Choose a surjection f : (ι → R) →ₗ[R] M
and consider the following
commutative diagram:
AdicCompletion I R ⊗[R] ker f -→ AdicCompletion I R ⊗[R] (ι → R) -→ AdicCompletion I R ⊗[R] M -→ 0
| | | |
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
AdicCompletion I (ker f) ------→ AdicCompletion I (ι → R) -------→ AdicCompletion I M ------→ 0
The vertical maps are given by ofTensorProduct
. By the previous section we know that the second
vertical map is an isomorphism. Since R
is Noetherian, ker f
is finitely-generated, so again
by the previous section the first vertical map is surjective.
Moreover, both rows are exact by right-exactness of the tensor product and exactness of adic completions over Noetherian rings. Hence we conclude by the 5-lemma.
If R
is a Noetherian ring and M
is a finite R
-module, then the natural map
given by AdicCompletion.ofTensorProduct
is an isomorphism.
packaged as linear equiv if M
is a finite R
-module and R
Adic completion of a Noetherian ring R
is flat over R
- ⋯ = ⋯