Trace for (finite) ring extensions. #
Suppose we have an R
-algebra S
with a finite basis. For each s : S
the trace of the linear map given by multiplying by s
gives information about
the roots of the minimal polynomial of s
over R
Main definitions #
Algebra.embeddingsMatrix A C b : Matrix κ (B →ₐ[A] C) C
is the matrix whose(i, σ)
coefficient isσ (b i)
.Algebra.embeddingsMatrixReindex A C b e : Matrix κ κ C
is the matrix whose(i, j)
coefficient isσⱼ (b i)
, whereσⱼ : B →ₐ[A] C
is the embedding corresponding toj : κ
given by a bijectione : κ ≃ (B →ₐ[A] C)
Main results #
: the trace ofx : K(x)
is the sum of all embeddings ofx
into an algebraically closed fieldtraceForm_nondegenerate
: the trace form over a separable extension is a nondegenerate bilinear formtraceForm_dualBasis_powerBasis_eq
: The dual basis of a powerbasis{1, x, x²...}
under the trace form isaᵢ / f'(x)
, withf
being the minpoly ofx
andf / (X - x) = ∑ aᵢxⁱ
References #
Given pb : PowerBasis K S
, the trace of pb.gen
is -(minpoly K pb.gen).nextCoeff
Given pb : PowerBasis K S
, then the trace of pb.gen
((minpoly K pb.gen).aroots F).sum
Given an A
-algebra B
and b
, a κ
-indexed family of elements of B
, we define
traceMatrix A b
as the matrix whose (i j)
-th element is the trace of b i * b j
- Algebra.traceMatrix A b = Matrix.of fun (i j : κ) => ((Algebra.traceForm A B) (b i)) (b j)
embeddingsMatrix A C b : Matrix κ (B →ₐ[A] C) C
is the matrix whose (i, σ)
coefficient is
σ (b i)
. It is mostly useful for fields when Fintype.card κ = finrank A B
and C
algebraically closed.
- Algebra.embeddingsMatrix A C b = Matrix.of fun (i : κ) (σ : B →ₐ[A] C) => σ (b i)
embeddingsMatrixReindex A C b e : Matrix κ κ C
is the matrix whose (i, j)
is σⱼ (b i)
, where σⱼ : B →ₐ[A] C
is the embedding corresponding to j : κ
given by a
bijection e : κ ≃ (B →ₐ[A] C)
. It is mostly useful for fields and C
is algebraically closed.
In this case, in presence of h : Fintype.card κ = finrank A B
, one can take
e := equivOfCardEq ((AlgHom.card A B C).trans h.symm)
- Algebra.embeddingsMatrixReindex A C b e = (Matrix.reindex (Equiv.refl κ) e.symm) (Algebra.embeddingsMatrix A C b)
Let traceForm
is nondegenerate.
Stacks Tag 0BIL ((1) => (3))
The dual basis of a powerbasis {1, x, x²...}
under the trace form is aᵢ / f'(x)
with f
being the minimal polynomial of x
and f / (X - x) = ∑ aᵢxⁱ
The trace of a nilpotent element is nilpotent.