

Another version of the sheaf condition. #

Given a family of open sets U : ι → Opens X we can form the subcategory { V : Opens X // ∃ i, V ≤ U i }, which has iSup U as a cocone.

The sheaf condition on a presheaf F is equivalent to F sending the opposite of this cocone to a limit cone in C, for every U.

This condition is particularly nice when checking the sheaf condition because we don't need to do any case bashing (depending on whether we're looking at single or double intersections, or equivalently whether we're looking at the first or second object in an equalizer diagram).

Main statement #

TopCat.Presheaf.isSheaf_iff_isSheafOpensLeCover: for a presheaf on a topological space, the sheaf condition in terms of Grothendieck topology is equivalent to the OpensLeCover sheaf condition. This result will be used to further connect to other sheaf conditions on spaces, like pairwise_intersections and equalizer_products.

References #

The category of open sets contained in some element of the cover.


An arbitrarily chosen index such that V ≤ U i.

  • V.index = .choose

The morphism from V to U i for some i.

  • V.homToIndex = .hom

iSup U as a cocone over the opens sets contained in some element of the cover.

(In fact this is a colimit cocone.)

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An equivalent formulation of the sheaf condition (which we prove equivalent to the usual one below as isSheaf_iff_isSheafOpensLeCover).

A presheaf is a sheaf if F sends the cone (opensLeCoverCocone U).op to a limit cone. (Recall opensLeCoverCocone U, has cone point iSup U, mapping down to any V which is contained in some U i.)

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Given a family of opens U and an open Y equal to the union of opens in U, we may take the presieve on Y associated to U and the sieve generated by it, and form the full subcategory (subposet) of opens contained in Y (over Y) consisting of arrows in the sieve. This full subcategory is equivalent to OpensLeCover U, the (poset) category of opens contained in some U i.

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Given a family of opens U and an open Y equal to the union of opens in U, we may take the presieve on Y associated to U and the sieve generated by it, and form the full subcategory (subposet) of opens contained in Y (over Y) consisting of arrows in the sieve. This full subcategory is equivalent to OpensLeCover U, the (poset) category of opens contained in some U i.

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Given a family of opens U and an open Y equal to the union of opens in U, we may take the presieve on Y associated to U and the sieve generated by it, and form the full subcategory (subposet) of opens contained in Y (over Y) consisting of arrows in the sieve. This full subcategory is equivalent to OpensLeCover U, the (poset) category of opens contained in some U i.

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Given a family of opens opensLeCoverCocone U is essentially the natural cocone associated to the sieve generated by the presieve associated to U with indexing category changed using the above equivalence.

theorem TopCat.Presheaf.whiskerIsoMapGenerateCocone_hom_hom {C : Type u} [CategoryTheory.Category.{v, u} C] {X : TopCat} (F : TopCat.Presheaf C X) {ι : Type w} (U : ιTopologicalSpace.Opens X) {Y : TopologicalSpace.Opens X} (hY : Y = iSup U) :
(F.whiskerIsoMapGenerateCocone U hY).hom.hom = (CategoryTheory.eqToHom )
theorem TopCat.Presheaf.whiskerIsoMapGenerateCocone_inv_hom {C : Type u} [CategoryTheory.Category.{v, u} C] {X : TopCat} (F : TopCat.Presheaf C X) {ι : Type w} (U : ιTopologicalSpace.Opens X) {Y : TopologicalSpace.Opens X} (hY : Y = iSup U) :
(F.whiskerIsoMapGenerateCocone U hY).inv.hom = (CategoryTheory.eqToHom )

Given a presheaf F on the topological space X and a family of opens U of X, the natural cone associated to F and U used in the definition of F.IsSheafOpensLeCover is a limit cone iff the natural cone associated to F and the sieve generated by the presieve associated to U is a limit cone.

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Given a presheaf F on the topological space X and a presieve R whose generated sieve is covering for the associated Grothendieck topology (equivalently, the presieve is covering for the associated pretopology), the natural cone associated to F and the family of opens associated to R is a limit cone iff the natural cone associated to F and the generated sieve is a limit cone. Since only the existence of a 1-1 correspondence will be used, the exact definition does not matter, so tactics are used liberally.

theorem TopCat.Presheaf.isSheaf_iff_isSheafOpensLeCover {C : Type u} [CategoryTheory.Category.{v, u} C] {X : TopCat} (F : TopCat.Presheaf C X) :
F.IsSheaf F.IsSheafOpensLeCover

A presheaf (opens X)ᵒᵖ ⥤ C on a topological space X is a sheaf on the site opens X iff it satisfies the IsSheafOpensLeCover sheaf condition. The latter is not the official definition of sheaves on spaces, but has the advantage that it does not require has_products C.