Photo of Moritz


A browser game and Android app to guess the day of the week for random dates.
Felix Klein Protokolle
An index of seminars 1872 to 1912.
arXiv Comment Extractor
A convenient way to look at comments in .tex files of papers
Formal BOOK
An attempt to formalize Proofs from THE BOOK using Lean.
Github Labels
A bug report and explanation of how to choose a background color.
Classifications and realizations
Combinatorial spheres, polytopes and oriented matroids.
Equiareal Triangulations
Triangulations of the triangle with equal areas.
More terms of a sequence defined by Cloitre
This is A186253 in the OEIS.
Platonic inclusions
A visualization of polyhedral containment.
Kissing cylinders
A visualization of cylinders kissing a sphere.
Hypercube unfoldings
3d animations of all 261 unfodings of the 4-dimensional hypercube.
Counting hypercube unfoldings
Generating unfoldings of the hypercube.



AutoNumerics-Zero: Automated Discovery of State-of-the-Art Mathematical Functions
  • Esteban Real
  • Yao Chen
  • Mirko Rossini
  • Connal de Souza
  • Manav Garg
  • Akhil Verghese
  • Moritz Firsching
  • Quoc V. Le
  • Ekin Dogus Cubuk
  • David H. Park
, 2023.
Intelligent Matrix Exponentiation
  • Thomas Fischbacher
  • Iulia M. Comșa
  • Krzysztof Potempa
  • Moritz Firsching
  • Luca Versari
  • Jyrki Alakuijala
, 2020.

Journal papers

The complete enumeration of 4-polytopes and 3-spheres with nine vertices
  • Moritz Firsching
Israel Journal of Mathematics
, 2020.
JPEG XL next-generation image compression architecture and coding tools
  • Jyrki Alakuijala
  • Ruud van Asseldonk
  • Sami Boukortt
  • Martin Bruse
  • Iulia M. Comșa
  • Moritz Firsching
  • Thomas Fischbacher
  • Evgenii Kliuchnikov
  • Sebastian Gomez
  • Robert Obryk
  • Krzysztof Potempa
  • Alexander Rhatushnyaki
  • Jon Sneyers
  • Zoltan Szabadka
  • Lode Vandevenne
  • Luca Versari
  • Jan Wassenberg
SPIE Optical Engineering + Applications
, 2019.
SO(8)SO(8) supergravity and the magic of machine learning
  • Iulia M. Comșa
  • Moritz Firsching
  • Thomas Fischbacher
Journal of High Energy Physics
, 2019.
Computing Maximal Copies of Polyhedra Contained in a Polyhedron
  • Moritz Firsching
Experimental Mathematics
, 2015.
Real equivariant bordism for elementary abelian 2-groups
  • Moritz Firsching
Homology, Homotopy and Applications
, 2013.


Lecture Topology I
Wintersemester 2017/18
Vorlesung Mathematisches Panorama
Wintersemenster 2017/18
Vorlesung Panorama der Mathematik
Sommersemester 2017