Formal Book

20 In praise of inequalities

Theorem 20.1

Let \(\langle a, b \rangle \) be an inner product on a real vector space \(V\) (with the norm \(|a|^2 := \langle a, a \rangle \)). Then

\[ \langle a, b \rangle ^2 \leq |a|^2 |b|^2 \]

holds for all vectors \(a, b \in V\), with equality if and only if \(a\) and \(b\) are linearly dependent.


The following (folklore) proof is probably the shortest. Consider the quadratic function

\[ |x a + b|^2 = x^2 |a|^2 + 2x \langle a, b \rangle + |b|^2 \]

in the variable \(x\). We may assume \(a \neq 0\). If \(b = \lambda a\), then clearly

\[ \langle a, b \rangle ^2 = |a|^2 |b|^2. \]

If, on the other hand, \(a\) and \(b\) are linearly independent, then \(|x a + b|^2 {\gt} 0\) for all \(x\), and thus the discriminant \(\langle a, b \rangle ^2 - |a|^2 |b|^2\) is less than 0.

Theorem 20.2 First proof

Let \(a_1, \dots a_n\) be positive real numbers, then

\[ \frac{n}{\frac{1}{a_1}+\dots +\frac{1}{n_n}} \le \sqrt[n]{a_1a_2\dots a_n} \le \frac{a_1\dots a_n}{n} \]

with equality in both cases if and only if all \(a_i\)’s are equal.



Theorem 20.3 Another Proof

Let \(a_1, \dots a_n\) be positive real numbers, then

\[ \frac{n}{\frac{1}{a_1}+\dots +\frac{1}{n_n}} \le \sqrt[n]{a_1a_2\dots a_n} \le \frac{a_1\dots a_n}{n} \]

with equality in both cases if and only if all \(a_i\)’s are equal.



Theorem 20.4 Still another Proof

Let \(a_1, \dots a_n\) be positive real numbers, then

\[ \frac{n}{\frac{1}{a_1}+\dots +\frac{1}{n_n}} \le \sqrt[n]{a_1a_2\dots a_n} \le \frac{a_1\dots a_n}{n} \]

with equality in both cases if and only if all \(a_i\)’s are equal.



Theorem 20.5

Suppose all roots fo the polynomial \(x^n + a_{n - 1}x^{n - 1} + \dots +a_0\) are real. Then the roots of are contained in the interval with the endpoints

\[ -\frac{n_{n-1}}{n}\pm \frac{n - 1}{n}\sqrt{a^n_{n - 1} - \frac{2n}{n - 1}a_{n - 2}}. \]


Theorem 20.6

Let \(f(x)\) be a real polynomial of defree \(n \ge 2\) with only real roots, such that \(f(x){\gt} 0\) for \( -1 {\lt} x {\lt} 1\) amd \(f(-1) = f(1) = 0\). Then

\[ \frac{2}{3}T \le A \le \frac{2}{3}R, \]

and equality holds in both cases only for \(n=2\).



Theorem 20.7

Suppose \(G\) is a graph on \(n\) vertices without triangles. Then \(G\) has at most \(\frac{n^2}{4}\) edges, and equality holds only when \(n\) is even and \(G\) is the complete bipartite graph \(K_{n/2, n/2}\).



Theorem 20.8

Suppose \(G\) is a graph on \(n\) vertices without triangles. Then \(G\) has at most \(\frac{n^2}{4}\) edges, and equality holds only when \(n\) is even and \(G\) is the complete bipartite graph \(K_{n/2, n/2}\).
