Formal Book

40 How to guard a museum

Theorem 40.1

For any museum with \(n\) walls, \(\lfloor \frac{n}{3} \rfloor \) guards suffice.


First of all, let us draw \(n - 3\) noncrossing diagonals between corners of the walls until the interior is triangulated. For example, we can draw 9 diagonals in the museum depicted in the margin to produce a triangulation. It does not matter which triangulation we choose, any one will do. Now think of the new figure as a plane graph with the corners as vertices and the walls and diagonals as edges.

Claim. This graph is 3-colorable.

For \(n = 3\) there is nothing to prove. Now for \(n {\gt} 3\) pick any two vertices \(u\) and \(v\) which are connected by a diagonal. This diagonal will split the graph into two smaller triangulated graphs both containing the edge \(uv\). By induction we may color each part with 3 colors where we may choose color 1 for \(u\) and color 2 for \(v\) in each coloring. Pasting the colorings together yields a 3-coloring of the whole graph.

The rest is easy. Since there are \(n\) vertices, at least one of the color clsses, say the vertices colored 1, contains at most \(\left\lfloor \frac{n}{3} \right\rfloor \) vertices, and this is where we place the guards. Since every triangle contains a vertex of color 1 we infer that every triangle is guarded, and hence so is the whole museum.