Formal Book

10 Hilbert’s third problem: decomposing polyhedra

Lemma 10.1 Pearl Lemma

If \(P\) and \(Q\) are equidecomposable, then one can place a positive number of pearls (that is, assign positive integers) to all the segments of the decompositions \(P = P_1 \cup \cdots \cup P_n\) and \(Q = Q_1 \cup \cdots \cup Q_n\) in such a way that each edge of a piece \(P_k\) receives the same number of pearls as the corresponding edge of \(Q_k\).


Assign a variable \(x_i\) to each segment in the decomposition of \(P\) and a variable \(y_j\) to each segment in the decomposition of \(Q\). Now we have to find positive integer values for the variables \(x_i\) and \(y_j\) in such a way that the \(x_i\)-variables corresponding to the segments of any edge of some \(P_k\) yield the same sum as the \(y_j\)-variables assigned to the segments of the corresponding edge of \(Q_k\). This yields conditions that require that “some \(x_i\)-variables have the same sum as some \(y_j\)-values”, namely

\[ \sum _{i : s_i \subseteq e} x_i - \sum _{j : s'_j \subseteq e'} y_j = 0 \]

where the edge \(e \subseteq P_k\) decomposes into the segments \(s_i\), while the corresponding edge \(e' \subseteq Q_k\) decomposes into the segments \(s'_j\). This is a linear equation with integer coefficients.

We note, however, that positive real values satisfying all these requirements exist, namely the (real) lengths of the segments! Thus we are done, in view of the following lemma.

Lemma 10.2 Cone Lemma

If a system of homogeneous linear equations with integer coefficients has a positive real solution, then it also has a positive integer solution.


The name of this lemma stems from the interpretation that the set

\[ C = \{ x \in \mathbb {R}^N : Ax = 0, x {\gt} 0\} \]

given by an integer matrix \( A \in \mathbb {Z}^{M \times N} \) describes a (relatively open) rational cone. We have to show that if this is nonempty, then it also contains integer points: \( C \cap \mathbb {N}^N \neq \emptyset \).

If \( C \) is nonempty, then so is \(\overline{C} := \{ x \in \mathbb {R}^N : Ax = 0, x \geq 1\} \), since for any positive vector a suitable multiple will have all coordinates equal to or larger than 1. (Here 1 denotes the vector with all coordinates equal to 1.) It suffices to verify that \( \overline{C} \subseteq C \) contains a point with rational coordinates, since then multiplication with a common denominator for all coordinates will yield an integer point in \( \overline{C} \subseteq C \).

There are many ways to prove this. We follow a well-trodden path that was first explored by Fourier and Motzkin \([8, \text{Lecture 1}]\): By “Fourier-Motzkin elimination" we show that the lexicographically smallest solution to the system

\[ Ax = 0, x \geq 1 \]

exists, and that it is rational if the matrix \( A \) is integral.

Indeed, any linear equation \( a^T x = 0 \) can be equivalently enforced by two inequalities \( a^T x \geq 0, -a^T x \geq 0 \). (Here \( a \) denotes a column vector and \( a^T \) its transpose.) Thus it suffices to prove that any system of the type

\[ Ax \geq b, x \geq 1 \]

with integral \( A \) and \( b \) has a lexicographically smallest solution, which is rational, provided that the system has any real solution at all.

For this we argue with induction on \( N \). The case \( N = 1 \) is clear. For \( N {\gt} 1 \) look at all the inequalities that involve \( x_N \). If \( x' = (x_1, \ldots , x_{N-1}) \) is fixed, these inequalities give lower bounds on \( x_N \) (among them \( x_N \geq 1 \)) and possibly also upper bounds. So we form a new system \( A' x' \geq b \), \( x' \geq 1 \) in \( N-1 \) variables, which contains all the inequalities from the system \( Ax \geq b \) that do not involve \( x_N \), as well as all the inequalities obtained by requiring that all upper bounds on \( x_N \) (if there are any) are larger or equal to all the lower bounds on \( x_N \) (which include \( x_N \geq 1 \)). This system in \( N-1 \) variables has a solution, and thus by induction it has a l exicographically minimal solution \( x'_*\), which is rational. And then the smallest \( x_N \) compatible with this solution \( x'_*\) is easily found, it is determined by a linear equation or inequality with integer coefficients, and thus it is rational as well.

Theorem 10.3 Bricard’s condition




Theorem 10.4 Example 1




Theorem 10.5 Example 2




Theorem 10.6 Example 3




Theorem 10.7 Hilbert’s third problem

