Formal Book

31 Shuffling cards

Lemma 31.1

Let \(\mathbb {Q} : \mathfrak {S}_n \longrightarrow \mathbb {R}\) be any probability distribution that defines a shuffling process \(\mathbb {Q}^*k\) with a strong uniform stopping rule whose stopping time is \(T\). Then for all \(k \geq 0\),

\[ ||\mathbb {Q}^*k - \mathbb {U}|| \leq \text{Prob}[T {\gt} k]. \]

If \(X\) is a random variable with values in \(\mathfrak {S}_n\), with probability distribution \(\mathbb {Q}\), then we write \(\mathbb {Q}(S)\) for the probability that \(X\) takes a value in \(S \subseteq \mathfrak {S}_n\). Thus \(\mathbb {Q}(S) = \text{Prob}[X \in S]\), and in the case of the uniform distribution \(\mathbb {Q} = \mathbb {U}\) we get

\[ \mathbb {U}(S) = \text{Prob}[X \in S] = \frac{|S|}{n!}. \]

For every subset \(S \subseteq \mathfrak {S}_n\), we get the probability that after \(k\) steps our deck is ordered according to a permutation in \(S\) as

\[ \mathbb {Q}^*k(S) = \text{Prob}[X_k \in S] = \sum _{j \leq k} \text{Prob}[X_k \in S \land T = j] + \text{Prob}[X_k \in S \land T {\gt} k] \]
\[ = \sum _{j \leq k} \mathbb {U}(S) \cdot \text{Prob}[T = j] + \text{Prob}[X_k \in S | T {\gt} k] \cdot \text{Prob}[T {\gt} k] \]
\[ = \mathbb {U}(S) (1 - \text{Prob}[T {\gt} k]) + \text{Prob}[X_k \in S | T {\gt} k] \cdot \text{Prob}[T {\gt} k] \]
\[ = \mathbb {U}(S) + (\text{Prob}[X_k \in S | T {\gt} k] - \mathbb {U}(S)) \cdot \text{Prob}[T {\gt} k]. \]

This yields

\[ |\mathbb {Q}^*k(S) - \mathbb {U}(S)| \leq \text{Prob}[T {\gt} k] \]


\[ \text{Prob}[X_k \in S | T {\gt} k] - \mathbb {U}(S) \]

is a difference of two probabilities, so it has absolute value at most 1.

Theorem 31.2

Let \(c \geq 0\) and \(k := \lceil n \log n + cn \rceil \). Then after performing \(k\) top-in-at-random shuffles on a deck of \(n\) cards, the variation distance from the uniform distribution satisfies

\[ d(k) := ||\text{Top}^*k - \mathbb {U}|| \leq e^{-c}. \]


Theorem 31.3

After performing \(k\) riffle shuffles on a deck of \(n\) cards, the variation distance from a uniform distribution satisfies

\[ ||\text{Rif}^*k - \mathbb {U}|| \leq 1 - \prod _{i=1}^{n-1} \left( 1 - \frac{i}{2^k} \right). \]